Monday, June 26, 2006

Thank You.....! Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review....... Must Read Before Buying!
Are you struggling with a weight problem? Have you tried every diet out there? Me too!

At 53 I was beginning to think nothing would work and that my metabolism had come to a screeching halt. I decided that I was probably doomed to become the next Mrs Blobby and I should just go out and start buying skirts with elasticated waists. Then I bumped into a friend who looked fantastic and had lost a lot of weight (she's 4 years older than me but now looks 10 years younger). She told me about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle so I immediately went home and typed in Feed the Fat burn the Muscle, what a twit! fortunately for me it still brought up the site. I've so far lost 10lb on this program and I feel rejuvenated. The only downside to the program is the lack of recipes that I personally like but I have managed to find some variations and some that are around 250 calories per serving (which is plenty when your eating 5 times a day). I will post these on my blog shortly.

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

Lifetime-Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Success Coach From New Jersey Teaches You How to Turbo-Charge Your Metabolism, Gain Muscle, Burn Off Body Fat and Develop Unstoppable Motivation ... Guaranteed! Discover How He's Taught Thousands of People to Get Leaner Faster Than They Ever Thought Possible!
Even if You Have Less-than Average Genetics... Even If You've Never Succeeded at Losing Weight Before... Even If You Have Stubborn Fat Deposits That Don't Seem To Budge...

Tom Venuto is a personal trainer & bodybuilder, one of the very few who has never used drugs or steroids in his quest to compete in the bodybuilding world. He spent a number of years when he was younger trying different diet programs & reading almost every book on nutrition that he could get hold of. He has combined all of the best information from his years of trial and error, also some of the combined experience of himself & other bodybuilders who might well in fact have the biggest accumulated knowledge of how to lose fat without losing lean muscle mass. Tom is a bodybuilder but you needn't be a bodybuilder to follow his program: the program is, rather, for anyone who wants to lose fat. He estimates based on his customer database that over 60% of his customers are women.

The title Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle reflects Toms overall philosophy of losing fat weight: rather than trying to starve the fat through overdoing calorie reduction in your diet, he recommends burning it off through exercise. Actually, there are four components to this program: attitude, good nutrition, aerobic exercise for reduction of body fat, & (anaerobic) strength training for building up lean muscle mass (which will also result in speeding up your metabolism so that it will burn more fat even when you're at rest).

The nutritional focus in Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is on whole foods as opposed to refined foods & supplements and on methods of eating which will promote loss of fat and prevent loss of lean muscle mass and in fact help promote its growth . Tom believes that most weight loss and body building magazines are just designed to sell and promote supplements.

If you want to buy your copy of this amazing book then

Click Here to get more info! and I'll see you in the petite section at Macy's .

Ta Ta for now Jan